The Definition of Insanity:
Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.


Our core philosophy is to maximize returns while at the same time manage downside risk. We live in a much more sophisticated investment world than we did even 5, 10 or 20 years ago. It is our goal to stay out in front of the market with new and fresh ideas. The majority of investment advisors still live in the old product driven world which is why they repeat the same mistakes over and over. This has lead the average asset allocation (mutual fund, ETF, stock and bond) investor to vastly under perform the overall market and assume much more intrinsic volatility than most even realize.

We believe if we can limit and manage the downside risk for our clients in today’s VOLATILE and CHAOTIC world we will outperform the majority of investment advisors for years to come.

How do we do this:

Old Way: The 2-D Approach (Stocks, Bonds)
New way: The 3-D Approach (Stocks, Bonds & Alternatives)

HANDS-ON, ALTERNATIVE AND ACTIVE PORTFOLIOS – Our belief is that most active mutual funds, ETF and  stock portfolios will underperform the market a great deal of the time.  Why?  Traditional portfolios are not designed to make quick decisions.  We have partnered with strategist’s that have consistently outperformed in the worst of market environments.  We only seek out strategies that have shown the ability to generate positive returns in up and down markets consistently.

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